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Honeysuckle: The Blossom of the Past

Honeysuckle: The Blossom of the Past

German name: Geissblat

Latin name: Lonicera Caprifolium

Basic feeling: Everything used to be much better.

  • Do you often think about the past?

  • In the past, everything was somehow better?

  • Are you still grieving after a relationship?

  • After the loss of your husband or wife, time has stood still for you?

  • You keep thinking about how it used to be and just can't part with many things?

  • Do you often portray the past in an exaggerated positive way and suppress negative events?

  • You suffer from homesickness?

  • Are you ignoring new opportunitiesat G egenwart?

  • A further development of your personality, do you not allow?

Honeysuckle promotes the realistic and constructive processing of your past events and the present orientation.

  • It will be possible for you to understand that happiness awaits you again in the present or future.

  • Through your new understanding of your feelings and thoughts , you will feel happy even in the present.

  • Your gaze is directed to the present and learns to better come to terms with the new situation.

  • You can let go of the past and develop yourself through it.

Honeysuckle for Kids

Basic feeling: Everything used to be much better, I don't like changes.

  • For children who mourn something of the past

  • For children who find it difficult to separate from their family

  • For children who are homesick


·         Your child has difficulty accepting change.

·         It prefers to have everything around it unchanged at all times.

·         At school enrollment or the first time of the child's garden, when saying goodbye, your child tends to cling and tears.

·         Moving to a new environment or changing schools can also  be an experience  for a child that it cannot cope with.

·         Sometimes homesickness plagues your child very much.


Honeysuckle promotes:


·         With your child, that " letting go" of the past.

·         Getting used to a new environment or a new phase of life is easier.

·         It learns to deal with homesickness.

·         It supports your child to open up to new things and make new contacts.

Honeysuckle for Animals

Basic feeling: Everything used to be much better, I don't like changes.

  • For animals that have lost their owner

  • For animals that have lost their homes

  • Homesick

  • In the eventof major changes

  • In animals that are very resentful



  • Uninterested and getting used to a new situationis very bad.  May occur  in shelteranimals or in case of food refusal.

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