Who Can I Help?
Meet Nera
Certified Therapist & Life Expert
WELCOME to Nera Therapy
My mission is to recognize and support the uniqueness of each individual in every aspect. Life constantly presents us with new challenges. If you feel like you're reaching your emotional limits, I'm here to assist you – or you both – in finding an appropriate path to a solution. Since every person and every problem is unique, I work with you or both of you to develop a tailored response and solution.
"The answer to your question is closer than you think" – Nera Capatt

Our Services
Learn more about the services I offer.
Families and Parents
Every day, I support and strengthen families in helping each other to gain a new understanding, in order to experience more lightness and joy in the family again. Every person is part of a family system and thus part of a relationship.

Business Services
I reflect on work events by creating an atmosphere where it is possible to talk, think and discuss about stressful work situations.
Individuals/Couples or Small Groups
I am able to change thought and behavior patterns in a very short time and link negative perceptions of experiences with positive thoughts or feelings to achieve a healing effect.

Services on Demand
You feel stuck in your life. You have tried several times to get rid of this feeling, sought advice from friends or family, and simply cannot find a solution to your problem.
Alternative Healing Methods
My Bach flower therapy is a wonderful gentle healing method with a natural, holistic effect. With aromatherapy, it is possible to contribute to health and well-being using natural plant extracts.

Do you want to learn a new language in time for your next trip or do you need certain language skills to qualify for your dream job? Let me help you experience learning success.
What I Specialize In
A Positive Reappraisal
Showing ways to Solve Your Own Problem
Leading a Peaceful Lifestyle
Bringing Positivity back into Your Life
Developing Your Own Strategy
You have made me realize things that would have taken me so much more time and effort to achieve.
- Vilma
The many techniques you use to address problems are brilliant and have given me a different perspective on my problems.
- Daniela
The many techniques you use to tackle problems are brilliant and have given me a different perspective on my problems.