Willow: The Blossom of Destiny

German name: Gelbe Weide
Latin name: Salix vitellina
Basic feeling: Always me, everyone sind against me.
You sometimes feel d Ias a real misfortune raven or victim of fate?
In your opinion, the others have it easier and easier?
You may also be in a situation where you feel powerless or at the mercy ofme?
Others notice that you like to say certain statements with a certain undertone... ?
You look at your life full of bitterness?
You blame everyone else but yourself for your unhappy existence?
You can find a hair in the soup everywhere?
You often carry your disappointment outwards, be it physically or verbally?
Helpful for children who have become accustomed to enforcing their will by pouting and rumbling.
Willow promotes your reconciliation and forgiveness. It makes you more insightful and satisfied. It also helps those who have become ill because of their quarrels with fate.
· You henceforth take responsibility for da life without blaming others for dan unfortunate situation.
· You regain your inner peace.
· You feel grateful for your life again.
· You learn to be grateful to your fellow human beings and to help.
· You will be able to let go of the feeling of "having fallen short".
· You become more creative for your problem solving.