Cherry Plum: The Serenity Blossom

German name: Kirschpflaume
Latin name: Prunus cerasifera
Basic feeling: I'm about to go crazy.
Did you oftenwait too long and then your collar bursts? After that, do you usually feel sorry for that?
But often you don't get your mouth open beforehand?
Sometimes you really have to pull yourself togetherin order not to lose your temper?
Basically , you would like to let your feelings run wild, but you are afraid of rejection, rejection or other possible consequences?
Cherry Plum promotes your ability to feel
You can express the feelings in a timely and appropriate way.
It will be possible for you to have a more relaxed approach to your own inner emotional world.
Cherry Plum for Kids
Basic feeling: I feel stressed, tense and afraid that I Â will turn right away.
For children with unusual freakouts
For children who accumulate their feelings
For children who can't control their emotions
For children who scream all the time
·        Your child has pent-up and /or suppressed feelings.
·        One has the feeling that this inner tension will burst at any time.
·        It is prone to tantrums that can turn into a destructive rage.
·        Hysterical screaming fits, nightmares, stuttering, nail biting or bedwetting are also part of your child's everyday life.
Cherry Plum promotes:
·        With your child, the willingness to learn to let the feelings run free.
·        It learns to deal with the inner tension.
·        Your child learns to deal with the fear it carries.
Cherry Plum for Animals
Basic feeling: I feel stressed, tense and afraid.
For animals that are not in control
For animals with uncontrolled temperament outbursts
For animals that injure themselves
For young animals that have been separated from parents too early
Aggressive behavior with panic outbursts, triggered ev. through a shock or accident experience. Lack of uncontrolled temperamental outbursts stemming from suppressed fears.