White Chestnut: The Mind Blossom

German name: Weisse Kastanie
Latin name: Aesculus hippocastanum
Basic feeling: I am trapped in my thoughts.
When you fall asleep or wake up at night, a thought begins to circle like a hamster in a pedal and you are clean?
Your brain rattles all day and is way too overactive?
Sometimes you can hardly concentrate because of all the thoughts?
Again and againdo you roll a certain topic without coming to a conclusion?
It's hard to switch off?
You often seem unfocused and mentally absent to your fellow human beings?
Helpful for children who have difficulty concentrating.
White Chestnut helps you to interrupt your head carousel, you have a clear head andcan concentrate on the essentials. Problems therefore quickly find a solution.
You will arrive at yourself and find your inner strength.
You will be able to concentrate longer again.
It will be possible for you to no longer be a prisoner of your thoughts.
You learn to let go of certain topics.
You will be able to switch off and thus get the right result for your topic.
You will be able to sleep through again.
You can focus mentally again.