Hornbeam: The elastic flower

German name: Weissbuche
Latin name: Carpinus betulus
Basic feeling: I just can't do it anymore.
You need a lot of coffee, tea or cigarettes in the morning to get going properly?
You feel burned out and tired?
It's hard to get out of bed in the morning?
Sometimes you would prefer not to get up at all?
You often feel thatI am limp inside and everyday life does not give you any particular pleasure?
Do you usually bloom in the evening?
Hornbeam promotes a motivation and self-confidence to find again.
It will be possible for you to find and strengthen new optimism.
You develop joy in life again.
Through your new understanding of your feelings, you no longer feel disappointed in life.
Hornbeam for Kids
For children who can't start homework
For children who can't pull themselves together
For children who are musty in the morning
For children who only want to do what makes them spass
·        You may or must knock on your child's door more often so that it can finally get out of bed.
·        D a child sneaks around, is limp and often feels tired.
·        Getting up in the morning is difficult for the child and it sits unrested and musty at the breakfast table.
·        Your child dreams around and takes a long time before he starts with homework.
·        Often your child has the feeling that he can not finish the  tasks of the day.
·        You have to push it to complete the assigned tasks .
·        On the  other hand, your child's tiredness  is blown away as soon as he  has a task that interests him or as soon as he is allowed to play or friends come.
Hornbeam promotes:
·        With your child, to find more interest in school.
·        It allows your child to develop the necessary motivation to complete the tasks set.
Hornbeam for Animals
For unmotivated animals
For animals kept inappropriate
For burnt-out animals
For animals that can't pull themselves together
For animals that have to be forced to their happiness
For old and weak animals
Tiredness, lack of drive and overload. Can be triggered by exhaustion, inappropriate husbandry, weak, old animals.