Holly: The heart opening flower
German name: Holly
Latin name: Ilex aquifolium
Basic feeling: I'm coming up short.
You are very vulnerable and you can be deeply offended with just a few words?
Oftendo you feel thatI am misunderstood in your feelings?
You tend to jealousy, hidden envy and occasionally to schadenfreude, especially when you are not doing very well?
You quickly feel thatI am personally attacked and then often react very offended or evil?
You often don't let any feelings get to you anymore, just to no longer have to feel how much you lack love in your life.
Holly promotes benevolence, love,great heartiness, self-love.
It will be possible for you to develop an understanding of people's different temperaments.
Your judgment will be strengthened.
Due to your new understanding of your fellow human beings, you no longer feel attacked so quickly.
Your feelings of inferiority will be alleviated.
Holly reopens your heart and allows for more love in your life.
It will be possible for you to love yourself again.
Holly for Kids
Basic feeling: I'm coming up short.
For children who are jealous, such as siblings
For children who are jealous of others
For children who get upset quickly
For children who are spiteful
For children who are hot-tempered
For children in the defiance phase
·        Your child has a strong temperament and can't control it so well.
·        It is very active and lively.
·        It can get angry very quickly and beat around wildly.
·        In the moments of aggression it  experiences, it throws things and sometimes hits other children.
·        It does not matter whether it has a reason or not.
·        It is often jealous of others and happy when they do not succeed.
·        Your child is very vengeful and prone to irascibility.
Holly promotes:
·        To learn with your child to calm down and become more balanced.
·        It allows your child to be more open with their feelings and to know the limits.
·        It will be easier for your child to let go of pent-up fears and develop a positive attitude towards others.
Holly for Animals
Basic feeling: I'm coming up short.
For aggressive animals
For dangerous animals
For biting animals
For animals that are jealous of other animals or babies
Tendency to uncontrolled reactions and attacks, biteness and aggressiveness. Often triggered by the feeling, because it does not go according to their will.