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Gentian: The Blossom of Faith

Gentian: The Blossom of Faith

German name: Herbstenzian

Latin name: Gentiana amarella

Basic feeling: None of this has a purpose.

  • You find iteasy to discourage, perhaps have a lack of stamina or tend to relapse in general?

  • Are you prone to frustration and depressedness after failures or initial difficulties in implementing ideas or projects?

  • You have little fighting spirit and prefer to take the path of least resistance?

  • Do you tend to relapse during recovery processes?

  • You have problems trusting, you want to, but you can't do it.

  • You ask far too much and think that you have to understand everything mentally.

Gentian strengthensd a basic trust in life.

  • You regain courage more quickly after setbacks.

  • You continue resolutely and consistently without being discouraged.

  • You are more committed to one wish and weare more persistent.

  • Even if problems show up from time to time, you have regained your confidence.

  • After illness, you recover faster.

Gentian for Kids

Basic feeling: I am suspicious and cautious towards everyone.

  • For children who are quickly discouraged

  • For children who can't cope with failure

  • For children who always assume the worst

  • For children with a pessimistic attitude


·         Your child is skeptical and suspicious of everything new and foreign.

·         It gives up quickly if something doesn't work out immediately.

·         To survive due to the lack of stamina and willpower is in constant fear of failure.

·         Sometimes you feel like your child is a little pessimist.

·         If a paper is written at school or an exam is pending, it always expects a bad grade.

·         You constantly hear your child say in such situations: "I can't do that anyway. I can't do that anyway. I don't need to try that. I'm sure I'll get a bad grade again. "


Gentian promotes:


·         To overcome your child's fear of failure.

·         It allows your child to develop more willpower.

·         Your child learns to try new things and think more positively.

·         It learns again to trust its own abilities and to believe in itself.

Gentian for Animals

Basic feeling: I am suspicious and cautious towards everyone.

  • For skeptical animals

  • For suspicious animals

  • For animals that are quickly disappointed

  • For animals that give up quickly


  • Insecure, suspicious and oversensitive. Can be triggered by change of ownership, other strong changes, after stressful incidents.

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